
Showing posts from September, 2024

September, The Perfect Month to Reset, Review, and Refocus

    September often feels like a new beginning. It’s not the start of a new calendar year, but it holds a unique energy that signals change and renewal. As summer winds down and the crispness of autumn begins to settle in, September offers a natural pause—a moment to take stock, set intentions, and refocus on what truly matters.     Here’s why September is the perfect reset month to review our lives and well-being. The Back-to-School Energy for many of us.  Even if you’re long past your school days, the back-to-school vibe of September is hard to ignore. This energy can be contagious, it’s a time that feels ripe for setting new goals or revisiting ones that have fallen by the wayside. Use this period to reflect on your personal and professional goals, consider what’s been working, and identify what needs to change. Timely Transition September marks the transition from the high energy of summer to the more introspective mood of autumn. As the days get shorter and the air