Beat those January blues

The January blues are a well-documented phenomenon, often caused by a combination of post-holiday letdown, financial stress, lack of daylight, and failed resolutions. But research shows that adopting specific strategies can help improve mood and overall well-being. Below are science-backed methods to overcome the January blues and create habits that stick. Lets create awareness and actionable resources to support ourselves and each other to thrive in 2025. One of the main reasons for the January blues is reduced daylight especially here in Ireland, which affects our circadian rhythm and serotonin levels. Exposure to natural light in the morning helps regulate melatonin, improving sleep and mood. Studies show that light therapy using a 10,000 lux light box can alleviate symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Go Outside, Even on cloudy days, outdoor light is more beneficial than artificial lighting indoors. Exercise for a Mood Boost as well as physical benefits, Exerci...