Happiness Is An Inside Job

Are you familiar with the saying never give the key to your happiness to someone else? 

This can be a confusing statement as sometimes we feel others can make us feel happy that being with other people or in certain situations, however, that is because we let it in, and embrace the feeling. Taking responsibility for our happiness is key to creating it and maintaining it too.

We are the holders of our thoughts, feelings, and the time and energy we give to people, places, and things. So whether we choose happy, sad, or whatever other emotion we feel it is us that have allowed it and own it.

I believe that happiness is an emotional state a feeling of joy, and well-being when you feel gratitude and are mindful of the moment. There are many definitions and a lot to consider, I encourage you to take time to think about what it is that you are doing or what is happening when you feel happy. I sometimes say what is it that you are doing when you lose track of time and do not want it to end this might be the answer to the question.

Personal freedom from an outside source can allow happiness to flow. A book that speaks about this is The Four Agreements. A guide by Don Miguel Ruiz, and his theory on how to obtain personal freedom that I believe can lead to happiness.

Be impeccable with your word,
Speak with integrity, say only what you mean. Avoid using words to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. This one I feel is true as it means we hold wonderful energy and do not give time to negativity and remain positive about ourselves and others. Staying on a high vibe.

Do not take anything personally,
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their reality, their dream. When we realise that we hold the power of our emotions and that others can not make us think or feel a certain way we understand that it works the same way for them too. So try not to take things personally.

Don’t make assumptions,
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. Imagine how easy life would be if we asked straight up the questions we needed answers to instead of overthinking or guessing, which let's be honest rarely ends well. This reduces the drama and creates transparency, allowing us to be clear.

Always do your best,
Your best is going to change from moment to moment. Under circumstances, simply do your best and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret. The feeling you have with no regrets that you tried and that was your best is so much better than knowing that you didn’t. Incorporating these into your daily life and understanding them can add to your happiness and reduce sadness, guilt, emotional distress, and many other emotions.

When we take ownership of our happiness and implement strategies like the four agreements, the five ways to well-being, and surrounding ourselves with the right people it allows us the mental space to create the life we want, and know how to create a life of joy and therefore happiness.


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