Summer Vibes With Lows And Highs.

School holidays and summer vibes can be chaos or calm depending on your situation and how you view things. 

The summer can also be an opportunity to slow down and unwind and look after your mental health, make new memories, and reconnect.

There are many things we can do to reduce summer stress if stress is the overwhelming feeling that occurs so whether it is the kids off school or extra duties covering at work perhaps you have a family holiday planned it is important to recognise the feeling and implement some tools and have a plan.

It is important to Try to keep a routine, I know it can be tempting to lay in all the time we all deserve a lay in sometimes, but doing this every day can leave you more tired and so out of routine. We all need a routine albeit it can change and be flexible.

Plan activities and don’t forget to meet up with others, connection is key especially when school is out. Kids don’t need to be entertained all of the time meeting up with friends in the park and letting them be free can be as beneficial as heading away to the beach for the day. Try not to put pressure on yourself.

Do not be afraid to ask for support even a few hours during the week so you can have some time to yourself this helps you to recharge and be a better version of yourself for both you and others it is essential for summer survival. Offer support back so it is a two-way process and everyone benefits.

Ensuring we get our needs met is not selfish it is essential. It is paramount to be the best you in whatever role you need to show up in. 

Working during the holidays can also bring more responsibility and workload with other team members being off. Be kind to those you work with as well as yourself. 

Ensure you have time for yourself in the evenings or weekends to unwind. The weather can sometimes determine our activities and allow for extra time in the evenings with more daylight. 

Some of the benefits of the summer months can be to recharge and slow down if this is part of your lifestyle. This can have a huge benefit to your mental health and wellbeing and build your reserves for the winter months ahead. 

Now I am not saying as soon as the sun comes out you have to head for the beach if that isn’t your vibe do not put pressure on yourself work out what is best for you and your family. Back garden fun or local walks can be equally as fun and catching some vitamin D has been proven to enhance your mood and has many other health benefits. 

Overwhelm can play a part during the summer months and reducing this or eliminating this can be a game changer. Try to get into the habit of saying “I get to” instead of “I have to” it is a very powerful mind shift that I have discovered myself recently and it works. 

I get to spend my time …… instead of I have to do ……

Just feels better doesn’t it?

I still like to get up before my children in the morning I find that is what works for me and I get some time for myself to do what makes me feel good. It is so important to find out what works for you especially when our routine has changed and things are a little different. 

Remember to enjoy, give yourself a break you are doing the best you can with what you have for now.


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