Mens Health Awareness Month

November is Men's Health Awareness Month with International Men's Day falling on November 19th.

Men's Health Awareness Month is dedicated to bringing awareness to a wide range of men's health issues.

Globally, men die on average six years earlier than women, and for reasons that are largely preventable. Which means that it doesn’t have to be that way: we can all take action to live healthier, happier and longer lives. These reasons are different this is why it is so important to look after yourself holistically in both body and mind.
Globally, one man takes his own life every minute, of every day
More than 1.3 million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer globally each year and it is second most common cancer in men
Testicular cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in young men in Ireland and whilst survival rates are greater than 95%, for some men their quality of life can be significantly impacted as a result of the side effects of long-term treatment

Cleveland Clinic is embarking upon their MENtion It campaign, a push to get men into their doctors and discussing their health. As part of this year’s campaign, their survey asked men how they approach their medical treatment.

The results found:

72 percent of respondents said they would rather be doing household chores, like cleaning toilets, than going to the doctor.

65 percent of respondents said they avoid going to the doctor as long as possible.

20 percent admitted they aren’t always honest with their doctors about their health.

37 percent said they had withheld information from their doctors in the past, specifically because they weren’t ready to deal with the potential diagnosis that might result if they told the truth. All this medical avoidance and withholding of the truth puts men at risk.

I have to say I am not particularly a numbers person however for the purpose of highlighting this issue I felt it was necessary to show the enormity. I have had many conversations with men over the years and really went deep into conversations about mental health issues, the avoidance and why talking alone may not work. The gym is a fantastic place to maintain a health mind and body because When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins whilst interacting with others and being part of the community. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body and can create overall wellbeing.

Mens sheds are another fantastic resource that can support Mens health. Sometimes doing something physical and talking is what works.

The message is find what works for you and your lifestyle however make sure that you do something. Doing nothing should not be an option. Creating mental wealth comes from showing up for self when things are going well so we are able to cope when life presents us with challenges.

Message to our men.

Spend time with people who make you feel good
Talk more
Know the numbers, understand the impact
Know thy body
Move more
Take notice of what's going on in your body and mind.

Emma Weaver 


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