Showing up your true authentic self.


Knowing Your Values and Being Authentic: The Key to Living a Fulfilled Life

Do you know who you are and what you stand for? This can have a positive impact on your well being.

Values are the principles, beliefs, and standards that guide our choices and actions. They are the foundation of who we are, and they influence our relationships, career, and overall sense of well-being. However, many of us struggle with knowing our values and living authentically, as we may have been taught to prioritize external expectations and societal norms over our own needs and desires.

I quite often say “you do you”, I suppose this is being authentic in similar terms. It so important to feel every day that you are being yourself and that you are able to be yourself with those around you. In order to be ourselves it is important to know who we are not who we think we should be or the person others are comfortable with us being.

So, how can we begin to understand our values and live in alignment with them? Here are some steps to help you get started:

Reflect on past experiences: Think about the experiences and events in your life that have brought you the most joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction. What values were you expressing in those moments? Use these experiences to understand your core values and learn from them.

Write down a list of values: Make a list of the values that are most important to you, and prioritize them in order of significance. Some common values include honesty, kindness, loyalty, family, creativity, and excellence.

Try them out: Once you have a list of your values, put them to the test by applying them to real-life situations. Ask yourself how your values guide your choices and behavior in different scenarios.

 Take time to meditate, journal, or simply sit in quiet contemplation. Ask yourself questions like “Who am I?” and “What do I stand for?” This can help you gain a deeper understanding of your values and get in touch with your inner self.

By understanding and living in alignment with our values, we can experience a greater sense of fulfillment, self-awareness, and authenticity. We can also build stronger relationships, as we are able to communicate our needs and boundaries clearly and assertively.

Remember, living authentically means being true to yourself and living in accordance with your values, even when it’s not easy or convenient. 

It requires courage and self-awareness, but the rewards are well worth the effort. So, take the time to know your values, and embrace the journey towards living an authentic life.

 There is no right or wrong way of doing this, try to separate from what you think they should be or what others do. The key is to be yourself, sure everyone else is taken. crreate your own #mentalwealth.

Emma Weaver 


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