The Five Ways To Wellbeing


It is in our daily routine where mental wealth is achieved. Never take positive mental health for granted it is something that needs nurtured, maintained and consistency. Each one of us is unique and it is important to try different things and take notice of what makes you feel good and do more of that.

The five ways to wellbeing are an effective way to achieve and maintain wellbeing.

Connect, Connect with others, by whatever means you can. We are social beings. The power of human connection allows us to overcome challenges and maintain a state of mental wellbeing. It also decreases physical health risks. Make sure the right people are around you, this is important also.

Learn, Continuous learning helps to keep our mind stimulated, improves our self-esteem which raises our belief in our own abilities. Whatever learning looks like to you find out what is your style, reading, attending college, online courses, audio books and indeed TED talks or podcasts. The idea is that you keep learning in whatever style you like and at your own pace.

Give, We mostly do not give to receive; however, it is the natural way of the world that you receive something and for most it can be the feeling of joy having given to another person. Giving does not have to be an expensive gift or giving of yourself so much that it is detrimental to your own wellbeing. It can be time; this is one of our most valuable possessions as we can never get it back. By giving someone our time, it is a two-way process whether a meet up, a phone call or a video call giving our most precious asset can increase our mood, reduce feelings of low mood to everyone involved. Giving promotes positive values and life satisfaction. We all have something to give.

Take notice, Being aware of the present moment and creating time and space for mindfulness has been proven to help better connect with ourselves and our surroundings. Allowing us to be in the moment away from life's expectations and possibly any stress we may have. Taking notice also can improve our self-awareness, allowing us to focus on our needs, our current thoughts and be present. This can be done on your own or as part of a group. It is so beneficial to our wellbeing and can take time to practice however it can have a very positive impact on your wellbeing.

Get active, The link between our mental health and physical health has become more evident throughout the years and it is nearly impossible to have one without the other. Maintaining regular physical activity has a huge impact to our wellbeing mentally and physically. Set yourself physical challenges and goals. They lead to so many positive wellbeing thoughts, self-esteem, increased learning, creativity, productivity and a reduction in anxiety and depression. 

It is you and you alone that is responsible for your mental health. We all have the ability to achieve mental wealth if we truly put in time and effort. It will not always be easy however it will be worth it.

It is in the actions that we take daily that we achieve our desired outcome of wellbeing. If we incorporate the five ways to wellbeing into our daily lives this can lead us to optimum wellbeing- mental wealth if you like.

Each action can be seen as a deposit into our mental wealth bank, consistently building on our wellbeing reserves creating mindset wealth. Then when we need it we can withdraw from it in times of stress, grief, pain, low mood whatever the challenge is, it is what we have consistently shown up to do daily that will build the resilience and habits that will get us through. 

Remember to always reach out for support if you need it.

Emma Weaver


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