Speak Up Even When Your Voice Shakes It Is Good For Your Wellbeing

Speak up even when your voice shakes it is good for your wellbeing.

In the times we are in and the digital world is a predominant part of our lives it is important to stay true to ourselves. By knowing who we are and owning it we allow for an authentic relationship with ourselves and others. This can be an integral part of our well-being. Learning who you are and speaking up for yourself when it is needed can at times be hard work, daunting even, however what we suppress we repress meaning it goes inwards and that is unhealthy.

The body keeps the score

There is a fantastic book, the body keeps the score by Bessel A. van der Kolk, I have no affiliation with, it is just a great read and has allowed me and millions of others to understand that by hiding our trauma, challenges, and life experiences, not speaking our truth, keeping emotions thoughts and feelings suppressed has an impact on our physical well-being also. We all experience difficulties in our lives and how we respond has a huge part to play in the impact these events will have on us throughout our lives. Talking about the impact, emotionally and openly about our thoughts around the experience can reduce the impact. Whether it is big or small. Everything we experience shapes us and creating cultures of sharing these or speaking out at the time can significantly reduce the impact it has on us and generations to come.

Your voice is a tool that can create change in the most adverse situation to help shape a better future for yourself and others. Everyone's voice is important, it can be a superpower when you know how to use it. You never know who you are inspiring when you speak your truth.

You release the inner turmoil when you let it out and if you feel it is too hard to Speak it out loud say it when you are alone or write it down. Your thoughts and how you are feeling. I use gratitude journals and I also keep a notebook that I mind dump into as it allows me to release from within. Perhaps read your written words out loud this can also help.

Benefits to speaking your truth.

The benefits of speaking out and using your voice to express how you feel are. You will not feel suppressed, increased confidence, improved self-worth, and positive self-esteem. These are all things that we need for our well-being and to improve our health.

Negatives to not using your voice.

Negatives to not speaking your truth, feeling unheard and misunderstood. Your voice is worth less than others. It can impact your body causing physical stress, and blood pressure and creating low self-esteem. Can cause stress and anxiety or depression...

Although expressing your emotions may leave you vulnerable it can be normal to want to hide them however speaking your truth is the best thing for you and your wellbeing.

Showing up for yourself.

Knowing who you are, setting boundaries, speaking your truth being authentically you, and showing up for yourself is what you are here to do. Own it.


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